In the Present Tense

Only the storms matter,

the ones that violate my calm.

​I suffer the absence of their

menacing embrace, venerable

tempests challenging my

arrogance—a dose of epiphany

to gauge the veracity of my

ever-shifting reality.


Early dawn dissolves my

repose, ​supplanted by pranic

reflections bathed in vermillion

theorems—contemplations amid

the deepest whispers of solace.


​​In this sway of solitude I find my

home. I'm better off dancing alone.


In the present tense.

Rob Taylor

Rob Taylor is a writer, poet, photographer and a certified metaphysics and consciousness coach. Rob shares a modern perspective on individual inner work, consciousness expansion, and the complexities of human behaviour.

A Measure of Intricate Riddles


There's No Repairing