Immersed in Red Pain

Blood simmers to lunar
pulsations, expressing my
lineage of hard-earned
perspectives—a formidable
muse when confronting the
decaying wreckage dragged
forward from earlier life.

Ancestral castles not in
my past—only dark spaces
and divergent intent until
no thing remained, evicting
my distortions of the unborn
self fiercely immersed in red 
pain I shrewdly befriended 
and within those cavernous
depths, I found me. 

Mortal fears vanished, swept
away in the thirty-two winds.

Rob Taylor

Rob Taylor is a writer, poet, photographer and a certified metaphysics and consciousness coach. Rob shares a modern perspective on individual inner work, consciousness expansion, and the complexities of human behaviour.

Opting for Disdain


Fear is the Frailty